Duncan Coppock, ICF Master Certified Coach

Coaching philosophy

My overarching philosophy is that everyone has, at their core, a source of wisdom, strength, and resourcefulness
that, when accessed, leads to more effective and fulfilling action, results and relationships. When a coach is
connected to their own resourceful and authentic self, they can empower their clients and colleagues to access
their unique experience, wisdom, and potential. Coaching clients are then supported to develop greater
awareness, learning, and responsibility and positively influence and develop others, including their teams and
Thus coaching contributes to learning organisations becoming more effective and better workplaces. This results
in increased profitability supported by higher staff motivation, loyalty, and retention.
And, in the bigger picture, we envisage and contribute to a shared world where people and groups are more
connected, supportive, and empowered.

Coaching experience

  • Coaching since 1998, in total more than 4500 hours
  • Coached leaders in the USA, Australia, 5 European countries, Malaysia,
    Singapore, and Russia.
  • Creation of FORGOALS, ANSWERS, and other coaching models
  • Founder of Self Factor Coaching 1998 – present
  • Trainer and Professional Mentor Coach (PMC) for Coach U 2001 – present
  • Training Director for the Academy of Executive Coaching advanced
    program, 2014 – present
  • Training Director of Coaching Mastery for Professionals 2017 – present
  • Author of ‘The Self Factor: The Power of Being You, A Coaching Approach’ with a
    foreword by Sir John Whitmore (author of ‘Coaching for Performance’).

Professional credentials

  • ICF master certified coach (MCC)
  • ICF assessor at PCC and MCC levels
  • ICF coaches mentor
  • NLP Practitioner
  • Certified teacher of Alexander Technique


Coaching individuals, leaders, and groups to go beyond assumptions, to connect
with themselves more deeply, and to live, work, and lead more authentically
I enjoy and have been involved extensively with different body-based disciplines
and awareness approaches, including dance, mime, meditation, mindfulness,
and Tai Chi. I have been a teacher, a performer, and a qualified teacher of the
Alexander Technique.

I have over thirty-five years of experience with various personal development
approaches and have worked with their practical application with individuals and