How could you help a team lead grow his backbone?

#Change management#Mentoring#Giving feedback



Read the case description and the key question. Watch the below recording of the Q&A session with the case owner.

Think of possible solutions and write your recommendations to the 'share your ideas' field below.

After you have done this you can see what other club members have offered and what solution was reached at the actual Casehub session.

Case description

Ben got his team lead role one and half a year ago. Team members were full of expectations because he was perceived as a friendly, knowledgeable, and business-minded person. But things did not go that well.

As a team lead, Ben was very enthusiastic to take on board new ideas and initiate actions. But gradually, many of these initiatives died. One reason was that Ben took too much on his shoulders. He said that he did not want to put an extra workload on people. But his team interpreted this as distrust to them.

In his behaviour, Ben wanted to be a likable, nice person. Therefore, he avoided confrontation and expressing his ideas. Giving constructive feedback seemed to be difficult for him. And his team felt that he did not protect them.

The increasing workload caused more and more unkept promises and Ben's stress level was growing. Therefore, he started to blame other people and departments behind their back for not keeping their promises. Finally, his team approached HR complaining that they cannot take it anymore and wanted to get rid of him!

Key question

Is it possible to help Ben to change his behaviour and win back the trust of his team? How?

Background and Q&A about the case

Pre-session interview and additional case details provided at the beginning of the session.

How would you solve this case?

After writing your suggestions, you'll see what other Casehub members have offered and what was the live session outcome.

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